The family behind the farm.
It's time to meet the family behind Stoney Hill Farm and our farming and homesteading dream. Let me introduce you to the crew!
Mike, aka "Farm Boss" (he may hate that nickname, maybe I should ask?) is the brains and braun behind the whole operation. This guy is the most self driven, self motivated, and hardest working person I know. He holds down a full time job away from the farm and spends most of his evenings and days off catching up on farm chores. He takes the role of provider very seriously. He is determined, smart, analytical, and he expects your all, all of the time. He is not afraid of risk --willing to take it as the greater risk may be not taking it at all. Now, don't let all that seriousness fool you. He is quick-witted, has a sense of humor like no other, and the sarcasm just oozes from him. He's basically a big kid. He cannot be trusted in the grocery store. He is the first to pick up junk food, toys or new gadgets. He's the first in the pool, the first to act silly, the first to blame gross bodily functions on someone else. He makes life fun and full of laughter.
I'm Natalie, the wife and Mom. That's the summed up version, anyway. You other wives and moms know exactly where I'm going with this. There's so many other "sub categories" I could use to describe my role. I'll save the time and typing. Instead, I'll tell you more about myself. I love hot tea in the morning. I love to cook. I like for my home to be clean and as in order as it can get with four kids. Some days it's just absolute chaos. I try not to stress about that but fail more often than not. I love flowers. I very much dislike hot, humid summers and wet, cold, winters but we live in Missouri so I have to suck it up regularly. Autumn is my favorite season although spring is such a close second, they're almost even. I have an unhealthy hatred for glitter and slime. I'm not afraid of hard work, to get dirty, or sweat. My head is in the clouds a lot, dreaming of different ideas I'd love to see come to fruition. But I am not the risk taker. I grew up in town but always wanted to be a farm girl. I like to sew and read but never do it because there's about 276 other things to get done first and tomorrow there will be 277. I love my "job" as wife and Mom. It's the hardest day to day job I've ever had but it is my calling. It's always been my dream to have and care for a family and I'm thankful God saw fit to give me such a responsibility.
We have four wonderful kids. Yes, I truly think they're wonderful. Maybe not right at the moment our nine year old gives me the look of death, but yes, they're wonderful.
We have a teenager. I'd say she is not your typical teenage girl. She has a servants heart for sure. She is my right hand man in the day to day tasks of keeping house. You don't have to ask her to do anything. She sees a need and she's on it. She is the baker. Cakes, bread, cookies, and her brownies just get better and better. She's self disciplined and an early bird, often times up before the sun.
We have an almost teenage boy and he acts like it. He is a boy who would much rather wander through the woods than to ever touch pencil to paper to complete his school work. His head is always in the clouds (like mother like son). He has a love for the outdoors and he firmly believes that's where he should be all of the time. He dreams of having a hunting dog. If he's not outside doing outside things, he wants to watch other people outside, doing outside things. I'd say he is a Momma's boy but not in the way you might think. He often puts his arms around me to talk showing true affection for his Mother. He is not a big fan of chores and is sometimes slow to action but the lessons on work ethic will continue.
Our nine year old... oh heavens... adjectives like strong-willed and independent are not even strong enough words to describe this girl. She has a mind of her own and she's not afraid to make it known... whether through actual words or looks. Her face does not lie. She certainly marches to the beat of her own drum. She is an animal lover, stuffed or real. She shys away from hard, physical work always petitioning to "babysit" her younger brother. She has a creative mind and expresses it through arts and crafts. While beyond strong-willed, she is also beyond thoughtful. Leaving notes and small, surprise crafting creations for her family members to find.
Now for the baby boy, who's really not a baby anymore. He's fully aware of how cute we all think he is. He is Daddy's best buddy (unless Daddy has no shirt on because, you know... arm pit hair). There isn't a tool he doesn't want to use, a farm chore he can't do or doesn't want to help with because it's what Daddy does. He is verbal in his love always telling us he loves us. Some mornings Daddy leaving for work is more than his little heart can handle so there are tears. But the day is quickly filled with fun and play with his siblings to make it better. Right now he loves all things tractors, farm, or super heroes. But that will change too quickly as time does fly.
This is our crew. We all do life together. We're going to make this farming and homesteading journey work together. There isn't anything we wouldn't do for one another. Our days are far from perfect, sometimes not even good. Some days there are disagreements, silent treatments or yelling. Harsh words or a quick temper will flare. But there are always apologies and an effort to do better next time. There is always forgiveness and the days always end in goodnight hugs.
Mike often says "if it's worth doin', it's worth doin' right." We live by that in all things. Life is short so we want to do it right.
- - - Natalie
Come back and visit 'cause life is better on the farm!